Episode 108: OPS - Change Your Thinking, Not Your Oil
April 24, 2022
One of the foundational principles we teach is "Find the WHY and the HOW will work itself out."
Asking "Why?" keeps you from doing dumb things just because "Everyone else is doing it!"
So, WHY do you change your oil?
Have you ever thought about it?
What makes oil go bad that you have to throw it away?
How did it survive millions of years in the ground, but only 6 weeks in your truck's engine?
Is there a better way?
The answer is YES!
Larry is going to present for you the OPS - Oil Purification Systems Seminar he gives at Blue Ribbon Live Events and Driver Orientations. He will show you why we only change our oil if the lab analysis says so, explain how we use oil analysis as a preventative maintenance tool, and how using an OPS on Larry's first truck saved him $136,000 over the life of the truck (1.85 MILLION miles).