Why do they call us "Lunatics" ?

We believe that there is a better path to becoming an Owner/Operatorthan the high-risk, "standard" way that the trucking industry has perpetuated for years. The vast majority of drivers who decide to become Owner/Operators, and buy their first truck, end up in failure and financial ruin.

There is a completely different approach to starting your first trucking business. It utilizes a "common sense" option instead of the risky lease-purchase, predatory financing, normal entry into truck ownership.

You see, an older, reliable truck can do the same amount of business and receive the exact same rate per mile as a newer, expensive truck... but without the pressure of an exorbitant weekly truck payment.

Even better, with our training/education masterclass, you can practice the skills of truck ownership with absolutely ZERO risk! You will drive one of our trucks with our coaching/mentoring. You will actually perform all the tasks of owning a truck but without the financial risk and pressure. After about 18 months, you will have perfected the new business skills you have been practicing. Along the way, your personal financial situation can be addressed and starting a "truck savings plan" will prepare you to go find and purchase your own older, reliable, starter truck, and pay cash for it.

This is the Lunatic's approach to starting your business. Instead of becoming another statistical failure, you actually learn how to run a very low cost, debt-free, highly profitable trucking business that will survive in any economic climate. When the "normal" guys can't operate because of the next cycle of low rates/high fuel costs, you will still be servicing your customers and making money.

If you have that entrepreneurial "burn-in-the-belly" and it's been your dream of owning your own business, we provide you with the most comprehensive, risk-free path to achieving your dream.

Join the "Lunatics" and start the journey to financial freedom for you and

your family by submitting the application under the Join the Master Class tab at www.blueribbonlogistics.com.