Set Your Load Alert
Call the Agent
Book the Load
Email the Details
Forward the Details to Blue Ribbon Dispatch
Record the Load in Your Spreadsheet
Acknowledge the Load Assignment
Mark the Load as Dispatched
Set Your Load Alert
Set the deadhead radius of the city you are available in. Start with 100 miles.
Choose the delivery regions you want to go to or a radius of a city.
Set a minimum rate per mile.
Set a minimum revenue.
Choose a trailer group.
Make sure Team is set to “No” if you are a solo.
Make sure that “Hazmat” is set to “all”
Optional Parameters
You can set a maximum number of miles. This is good to use when agents may post loads that cannot be covered in a single day by a solo.
You can set a maximum weight. Remember, load postings do not have to have accurate weights. If you set a maximum weight of 40,000 lbs, the load may actually weigh more.
Call the Agent
When you have found a load you are interested in, simply touch the call button and your phone will dial the agent. Be polite, but be concise. Get to the point.
“Hello, my name is ______ and I’m calling about a load you have from _______ to _______ on (date).”
They will tell you if the load is available or not. They may ask you if you are “an approved carrier or BCO?” They may offer you a drastically different rate than you see posted. This is because they may think you are an approved carrier. In that case, simply say “I’m a BCO.” They will then confirm the rate on the board. Approved carriers can see our loads but can’t see the rates that are posted. The going rate for approved carriers is 85% of what you see the load posted for.
Once you have confirmed the load’s availability, the pick up and delivery dates and times and the rate, you can tell the agent you’d like to book it. AT THIS TIME, hit the “Email” button so that a copy of the posting will be emailed to you.
When you hit “email” on either Landstar One or Landstar online, a copy of the available load details will be sent to your email.
Forward the Details to Blue Ribbon Dispatch
Forward the available load details email to loads@blueribbonlogistics.com with the deadhead mileage, along with any other important information you received from the agent when you booked the load. (Note: The deadhead number does NOT go with the email. You’ll have to record it from the posting before you leave it.)
DH 175
Contact: Bill
1130 pick up appointment
Drop and hook at delivery
This is the best time to change your load search parameters to the new origin (the destination of the load you just booked.)
Record the load in your Spreadsheet
It is best to do this as soon as possible. This will give you a record (along with the available load details) when the freight bill comes in.)
Assigned Loads spreadsheets are available for download at THIS LINK.
Acknowledge The Load Assignment
The agent will send you an email with the load details. You need to confirm the following:
Agent code (Sometimes it can be different from the posting.)
Freight bill number
Is the money correct and does it match what you discussed with the agent?
Do the dates and times for pick up and delivery match what you agreed to?
If everything looks the way it is supposed to, confirm receipt by replying “Received. Thanks.”
Mark the Load as Dispatched
We do this by recording the Freight Bill Number and money in the spreadsheet and marking it by making the total revenue cell bright green if it meets the minimum revenue, yellow if it does not.
Congratulations, you’ve successfully booked a load. Be sure to follow the Blue Ribbon Workflow Procedures to complete the assignment.